蓝灯 lantern



All Spring and Summer online AQ courses will run as scheduled.

To ensure the health and safety of our campus community and to prevent the risk and spread of COVID-19, Western will move to a required services model until further notice.

  • 网传Model 3自动加速 刹车失灵后碰撞起火:特斯拉官方回应 ...:今天 · 6·18活动已全面开启 大促活动入口汇总: 阿里云6·18上云年中大促 点击领取最高12021元红包 天翼云“年中上云节”已上线 云产品全场0.6折起 8888元 ...
  • The virtual office hours are 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday to Friday
  • Question should be directed to aspire@uwo.ca

We offer Additional Qualification (AQ) courses that are specifically designed for Ontario-certified teacher and focus on the Ontario education curriculum. Taking AQ courses can help you upgrade your skills, expand your knowledge and advance your career.

Additionally, ASPIRE offers professional development courses, certificates and workshops that leverage expertise in a variety of fields. These professional development courses can be taken individually or combined to form certificates.

All AQ courses are fully online unless otherwise indicated. To view session dates and course offerings please select a subject area under AQ Courses, then click on the title of a specific course.

AQ Courses
Important Dates
Admission Criteria
Frequently Asked Questions
Policies & Guidelines
How to Register
After Registration